Migrating Accounts to your server

Most control panels have built in control panel to control panel migration tools that you can take advantage of.  Virpus Networks also offers free migration assistance where we can do the transition for you.  For managed accounts, we provide 30 domains that we can move free of charge, and $.50 per account in blocks of 10 accounts after that.  For semi-managed accounts, the same rate applies however it does not include any free domains.

Below is step-by-step proceedure to ensure a successful migration:

1. Start migrating accounts over from your old server to your server with us.

2. Once all accounts have been moved, ensure data integrity and consistancy.

3. Though this step is optional, we recommend that you have your service secured and optimized before making your sites live.

4. Change your DNS of your domains OR change the IP addresses of the current name servers assigned to your domains to IP addresses that reside on your service with us. 

For more information on registering your name servers, please see http://myvirpus.com/knowledgebase.php?action=displayarticle&catid=1&id=5


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